6 the drinking habits of T. Browell and a meeting of the Directors was summoned for 2 pm tomorrow at the Bradford Hotel and T. Browell instructed to attend. Team v Caldwell Sunderland Stevenson Maconnachie Harris Fleetwood Makepeace Beare Jefferis Gault Bradshaw Uren Wareing reserve. The Secretary was instructed to offer a game to Prescot Wire Works on Saturday & the following team was selected. Bromilow Simpson Laurie Parker Browell McCulloch Smith Brannick Wright Johnston Moore Director on gate Mr. Clayton Uren The Secretary was instructed to write Uren as to his training. Page & Brannick as to late attendance at Station. Parker The Secretary was instructed to offer Parker an engagement at a salary not exceeding £2 per week. Hancock The Secretary was instructed to pay Hancock's & Parker's expenses of Saturday last.