[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park
December 10 1912.]
Present All the Directors.
Minutes The minutes of last meeting & of the
Finance Meeting were read & confirmed.
Simm Jno. Fare having favorably reported on
this player the Secretary was instructed
to effect his engagement on the best terms.
Duckworth The deputation reported that Duckworth
did not play.
Smith The deputation reported that this outside
left of Edinburgh Hibs played very well
but that his club would not negotiate
for his transfer.
Thorburn They however offered to play their reserve
man Thorburn on Saturday next for our
inspection & negotiate for him if we were
This offer was declined & the Secretary instructed
to offer Gourlay to them in exchange for
Wright Resolved we do not negotiate for this
Greenock Morton right half back meantime.
Reports The League & Central League games were
The Trainers made their reports.
Various reports were made concerning