297 himself to Crewe Alexandra and the subsequent engagement of James Roberts at a salary of £2 in the summer and £3 in the winter with a bonus of £10, the player to be allowed to train and live in Mold together with a transfer fee of £150 to Crewe Alexandra with a further £25 should Roberts obtain a regular place in the League team. These terms were confirmed and cheque ordered to be sent to them. Evans Mr. Coffey and John Fare reported their visit to Highbury and on the play of Evans the Clapton Orient left full back, that on his display they could not recommend his engagement. Norman Messrs Green & Wright reported their visit to Southend to see Norman the inside right of Walthamstow an Amateur 5'6" that he played very well in the class he appeared, that with the consent of the Club they had approached Norman but that taking all matters into consideration they could not recommend his engagement. Smith (Crystal Mr. Kelly and the Secretary reported their visit Palace) to Crystal Palace to see the Palace centre forward McKenzie Smith and McKenzie the Norwich left back - (Norwich) they could not recommend the latter but were of opinion that the centre forward would be of considerable service to us at a reasonable fee. It was resolved that those Directors visiting London this weekend should negotiate for his transfer and if thought advisable see him play at Gillingham. Downs The Secretary reported that Barnsley would not transfer