295 right Graham to us for the remainder of the season and on what terms. The Chairman and Mr. Kirkwood were deputed to make inquiries about Griffiths the right half back of Garston Gasworks. The consideration of Young and Benson the outside left and outside right of South Shields, Thompson right back of Bury, Paterson outside right of Glasgow Rangers, Tullock the right back of Blackpool, was deferred to next meeting. Mr K write again Mr. Kirkwood reported that he had written to Broxburn asking if they would transfer their right back Stewart to us for the rest of the season and if so on what terms. The Secretary reported that Mr. Watson had offered Rochdale, without any suggestion or solicitation on his part, and entirely on his (Mr. Watson's) own initiative as far as we were concerned, the sum of £50 to change the date of their Central League fixture so that Liverpool could play us on our ground on that date but that he had as yet received no reply and it was resolved that if Liverpool could play us on the 25th inst. we postpone our fixture with the Nomads to another date. April 21st 1914 W. R. Clayton