294 Players for Resolved that the maximum terms to be offered to re-engagement any player be £4 per week and to those hitherto in receipt of or now eligible to receive £4.10.0 per week it be intimated that they would be paid all or portion of the difference namely £26 per annum at the end of the season according as in the opinion of the Directors their abilities service and general character warranted, it being felt by the Directors that in no instance during the season just closing had the players merited the maximum salary paid to them. Resolved that the engagements to Fern, Thompson, Maconnachie, Harris, Weller, Fleetwood, Wareing, Makepeace, Grenyer, Houston, Nuttall, Parker, Clennell and Harrison be at £4 per week, to Counts £4 Mitchell and Chedgzoy £3 per week, to Roy £2 per week in the summer and £3 in the winter, to Bromilow 25/- per week and that Mr. Green discuss with Challinor the question of his taking up his residence in Liverpool. The Secretary was instructed to represent to J. S. Maconnachie that it was desirable not only in the interests of the Club but more particularly in his own interest if he abandoned and discontinued writing articles to the Press. Mr. Clayton was deputed to visit the Cup Tie at Crewe Alexandra's ground on Saturday first and to report on the play of the Nantwich team generally and Blackburn their inside right in particular. The Secretary was instructed to ascertain from Newcastle East End if they would transfer their inside