283 Director on Gate Mr. Kelly. Directors to International - Messrs. Clayton, Kirkwood & Wright. Messrs Davies & Wright reported their visit to Tranmere re Morton but could not recommend this player, but spoke favourably of Hughes the outside right of Chester and it was resolved that this player be seen again. Dexter the left full back of Coventry City was favourably reported upon. The Secretary was instructed to place upon the Agenda for next meeting a proposal to run a third team next season, also a proposal to advertise the sale of season tickets to be paid by instalments. The following accounts were passed for payment:- Presentation Walker & Hall £32:5:0 and Smoker to be paid by the Club. Carlton Restaurant £19:17:9 Exchange Station Hotel £15:5:4. The payments made by the Secretary in respect of the Dinner and Smoker amounting to £8: 11: 6 were approved and it was resolved to send a donation of One guinea to Mr. Percy Fairhurst for services rendered. Insurance of The Secretary reported that the Mutual Football Players Insurance Federation had decided to make a levy of £1 in respect of each insured player for the present season and it was resolved that same be paid.