278 applications for the use of the ground by Harland & Wolffs and by the Stanley Park & District Football League were declined. The Secretary was instructed to pay Stoke F. C. the sum of £5 the agreed fee for the temporary transfer of J. Brown. The Secretary reported that St. Mirren F. C. had paid £225 the fee for the transfer of W. Davidson. The Secretary was instructed to grant the use of the ground to the Liverpool Collegiate School for the final of the School Shield. Owing to being engaged in the final of the Amateur Cup Competition the Nomads were unable to take us on April 4th - that Club therefore suggested playing their return fixture with us on April 25th as arranged, they to have one third of the gate receipts after payment of gate expenses - this arrangement was confirmed. The Secretary reported that he had fixed up the Central League match with Liverpool for our ground on April 1st but it was resolved that this arrangement be subject to our ground not being required for a replayed Semi-final Tie for April 1st or 2nd. The Secretary was instructed to inform W. Murray that the fee for his transfer was £12.10.0. March 23rd 1914 W. R. Clayton