276 the 29th prox at a guarantee of £20 with half gross receipts over £40 and at Tynecastle, Edinburgh, for a match with the Hearts of Midlothian on a week night in April with a guarantee of £50 and half gross gate over £100 and it was resolved that Hamilton Academicals offer be accepted for the 29th and that of the Hearts of Midlothian for the 27th April. Coffey John Fare reported his visit to see this Crystal Athletic inside left but whilst he was a fair player, he did not recommend him to be taken on for a season or so. Mr. Coffey reported his visit to the Irish International and that the following players were well worth watching with a view to engagement :- Nixon (inside right of Linfield), Thompson (outside left of Clyde), Craig (left back of Greenock Morton). Mr. Allman and the Secretary were deputed to visit Belfast on Saturday next with full powers re Nixon. The League and Central League games were reported. The Trainer made his report. Team v Bromilow Huddersfield Stevenson Simpson Town Challinor Wareing Roy Chedgzoy Nuttall Page Bradshaw Palmer Reserve - Stalker.