
		until next meeting.

		An application by the Liver Friendly Society to
		collect on the ground on Saturday next was

		The Secretary read a letter from J. H. Galt.

Transfer of		J. G. Davies to Wm O'Brien
Shares					one 15/- paid share		1403
				do   to Frank Unwin
					One 15/- share			1402
				do   to J. Walker
					One 15/- share			1401
				do   to W. McIntyre
					One 15/- share			1404
				do   to John Griffiths
					One 15/- share			1246
			R. J. Francis to A. E. C. Francis
					One 15/- share			 839
				do    to E. A. Francis
					One 15/- share			 838
				do	C. F. Francis
					One 15/- share			 840
				do    to E. Cumpsty
					One 15/- share			1381
				do    to L. B. Francis
					One 15/- share			1382
				do    to  E. J. Francis
					One 15/- share			1383
				do    to E. Francis
					One 15/- share			1384
				do    to W. M. Powell
					One 15/- share			1385