
Consideration of It was unanimously resolved that the following
Players engage-	players be not reengaged for next season :-
ments for next	Hodge, Turner, Stevenson, Kirby, Beare,
Season		Brannick, Palmer
		and it was further resolved that a special meeting
		of the Directors be held at the offices on the 25th inst.
		at 7 pm. to consider re-engagements of players
		and new players for next season.

		The following players were favourably recommended :-
		The Centre half of Nantwich
		The Right Back of Widnes
		Graham Half Back Dundee

Buckley		It was reported as improbable that Buckley would
		remain with Derby County but it being the opinion
		that we favourably suited with regard to half backs
		it was resolved not to negotiate in the matter.

		The secretary was instructed to offer Brannick to
		Swansea Town & Reading at £250 and to
		submit to the Directors any counter offer made.

		An application by the Liverpool  County Combination
		to send a team to Prescot to play the Combination
		on March 28th was granted subject to the
		payment of fares and teas.

		The use of the ground was granted to the Liverpool
		County F. A. for the final tie of the Amateur Cup
		on April 22nd at 6 pm.

		The consideration of matches at Edinburgh and
		Hamilton on the 27th & 29th April was deferred.