270 McNeil the outside left of Hamilton Academicals and on his good display at Kirkcaldy on Saturday and recommended his being secured but it was decided to do nothing meantime. The Secretary also reported an interview with the Chairman & Secretary of the Rangers F. C. at the North Western Hotel on Sunday night, that Rangers were in want of a right full back, that he had recommended Simpson to them on the following terms, subject to the confirmation of his Directors, namely, to transfer Simpson to them for the remainder of the season and that if Simpson were reengaged by them they were to pay us a fee of £200 for his transfer. The Rangers deputation were favourably impressed with the offer and the Secretary's action was now confirmed. The Secretary read letters of thanks from the Manchester Royal Infirmary, The Old Comrades Association of the King's Liverpool Regiment, The North Engineers F. C. for last Saturday's match, the Rangers F. C. for our offer to send a team to Ibrox on the 28th April for Wilson's benefit and the Invinsa Football League, the latter for the use of our ground on the evening of April 11th. Dinner & The following revised arrangements were made, namely, Smoker that the date of the Dinner and Smoker be altered from the 17th inst. to the 23rd inst., that the players be invited to the Smoker only, that the benefit cheques be handed to Harris and Makepeace at the Smoker, that owing to the limited accommodation at the Carlton Restaurant invitations to the Smoker