269 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, March 10th 1914.] Present All the Directors. Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Chairman voiced the pleasure of the Directors at Dr. Baxter's presence at the meeting and congratulated him on his recovery from his accident. John Fare reported his visit to South Shields and strongly recommended the engagement of Young outside left and Benson outside right of South Shields Reserve. Settle having also reported favourably upon him, the Secretary was instructed to ascertain where they could be seen play on the 21st inst. when a deputation would visit the match and make a final report. Anderson & The Secretary reported his visit to Kirkcaldy on Rattray Saturday last but that Anderson was an absentee owing to throat trouble and that Rattray played out of his position, namely, at centre forward. He was not impressed with Rattray's display (although scoring 2 goals) and did not recommend his engage- ment. Having reported that Anderson was 26 years of age, slimly built, yet a stylish player, it was decided that we do nothing in either case. McArthur's report thereon was read which coincided with the secretary's report. The Secretary reported very favourably on the play of