267 and he was instructed to send them a cheque for Ten guineas. Eulogistic references were made with regard to the performance of the Band of the King's Liverpool Regiment at Goodison Park on Saturday last and it was resolved that a donation of ten guineas be sent to the funds of The Old Comrades Association in connection with that Regiment as an acknowledgment of such services with the request that they might be able to give a similar performance at Goodison Park on the 14th inst. The use of the ground was granted to the Liverpool Schools F. A. for their final ties on May 2nd. To the Catholic Schools F. A. on the 27th prox. and Nomads that in the event of the ground being free on the 25th 25th prox. they have the latter date instead of the 27th. The Invinsa Football League made an alternative suggestion for the use of the ground after one of our matches in April and it was resolved that same be granted but without any right to share in the receipts of any of our matches. The Irish F. A. having applied for permission to play Harris and Houston in their International match v. Scotland on the 14th inst., permission was granted subject to the services of such players not being required by us on that date. Thos. Cook & Sons account of £9:15:0 in respect of our journey to Derby was passed for payment.