265 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, March 4th 1914.] Present All the Directors except Messrs. Allman, Baxter & Coffey. Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Galt It was resolved that this matter remain in its present position. Young John Fare being unable to see this player play on Saturday last, it was resolved that he do so on Saturday next and report. Roseberry John Fare reported that this player was not worthy of our consideration. Settle reported in a similar strain and the Secretary was instructed to pay the s latter's expenses 6/-. Anderson This Raith Rovers left half back was reported to have played only fairly well in the International on Saturday last. The Secretary was instructed to ask Mr. McArthur to see him play at Kirkcaldy and also Rattray and report. Ground The Secretary read a letter from Mr.Leitch intimating Improvement that his models had been destroyed in the recent fire Scheme at his offices but that he was preparing a fresh set of models embodying his latest ideas, which he hoped to be in a position to submit for the Directors consideration by the 16th inst. and it was resolved to await the receipt of such models before proceeding further. The League and Central League games were reported.