
		Scrip being lost an Indemnity was given in lieu

		The Secretary was instructed to offer the use of our
		ground for a semi final tie on March 28th.

Ground		The Consideration of this matter was deferred. The
Improvement	Secretary was instructed to ask Mr. Leitch for the
Scheme		loan of his Models prepared some time ago by him
		when submitting his scheme for the rebuilding of
		the ground stands.

		An engagement with the North Engineers F. C. with our
		A team on March 7th free of expenses was confirmed.

		An application for the use of our ground for the final
		of the Invinsa Football League Challenge Cup was
		made for Easter Monday morning or any other
		convenient day. Resolved that same be granted
		for some Wednesday afternoon or evening in April.

		The Secretary read a letter from the Houghton Rovers F. C.
		re their centre half back Roseberry and he was
		instructed to send Settle to see him play on
		Saturday next and report.

		The Secretary reported a recommendation of Anderson
		left half back of Raith Rovers but no Director could
		make it convenient to see him play at Glasgow
		on Saturday next in the International.

		The Secretary was instructed to supply each Director
		with a list of the players in their respective positions