262 £6: 11: 3. The Trainer made his report. Team v. Fern Manchester City Thompson Maconnachie Weller Fleetwood Grenyer Houston Jefferis Parker Clennell Harrison Team v. Mitchell Manchester Page Stalker City Reserve Harris Challinor Roy Beare Brannick Page Bradshaw Palmer Reserve - Simpson. Director on Gate Mr. Kelly. Director to Manchester Mr. Green. The Secretary reported that the Directors were to receive invitations from the Liverpool Directors for their Cup Tie tomorrow and he was instructed to write thanking them. Final Tie The Secretary reported the return of the cheque for £9 and the receipt of an intimation that 24 Ring Seats and 12 Covered Stand seats had been allotted to us and a cheque for £6 in payment thereof was ordered to be sent. Transfer of John Dobson to J. A. Lee Shares 1 fully paid share No. 2353 1 partly paid share No. 407