258 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park February 17 1914] Present All the Directors except Dr. Baxter. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Reports The Secretary reported his visit to Rangers Galt F. C. and to Galt. That Galt was taking time to consider his offer of a fee that would permit of his receiving £300 percentage & that he would write as thereon in a few days. That he the Secretary could obtain no intimation from the Rangers F. C. that they would accept £900 for his transfer. Resolved that the total transfer fee of £900 be not exceeded. Young Messrs Allman Green & the Secretary were deputed to visit South Shields & if satisfied with Young's ability to negotiate for his engagement with full powers. Jno. Fare having favorably reported upon his play & upon that of Benson the South Shields outside right. Rangers F. C. The Rangers having suggested April Wilson's benefit 21st the Secretary was instructed to offer any date from April 29 to 30 inclusive & to endeavour to arrange one or two other games in Scotland at the same time.