255 Rangers at Ibrox for the benefit of their Trainer James Wilson was considered and it was resolved that a team be sent subject to the payment of expenses. Galt The Secretary reported the receipt of a letter from Glasgow Rangers intimating that an offer for Galt's transfer would be considered and that John Fare had made inquiries and had received very favourable reports about him and the Secretary was instructed to go to Scotland tomorrow, make full inquiries, attend the Rangers meeting and endeavour to negotiate for Galt's transfer up to £800. Messrs. Allman, Coffey and Kirkwood reported their visit to the Manchester City v Bradford City match on Saturday last and strongly recommended Fox inside right and Boocock left back of Bradford City. A telephonic communication with Bradford failing to ascertain the price for Fox but that Boocock's transfer would not be considered - Messrs. Clayton, Coffey and Kirkwood were deputed to visit Bradford tomorrow with full powers up to £1500. The Trainer made his report. The League and Central League games were reported. Fern Team v Thompson Maconnachie Sheffield Wareing Fleetwood Grenyer United Houston Jefferis Parker Clennell Harrison