
		[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park
		February 10th 1914.]

Present		All the Directors except Dr. Baxter.

Minutes		The minutes of the last meeting were read
		and confirmed.

		The Secretary reported that Dr. Baxter was
		unable to attend the meeting through an
		injury to his leg. The Directors present were
		sorry to hear such intimation.

Young		Settle having favourably reported on the play
		of Young the reserve outside left of South
		Shields, John Fare was deputed to see him play
		on Saturday next and report.

		The Secretary reported that Liverpool had not
		yet reported any arrangement with Stockport
		County and it was resolved that we do not
		proceed with the matter but that we play our
		Central League game on the 21st inst. according
		to the Schedule.

Stewart		John Fare reported his visit to Broxburn but that
		Stewart was no improvement on Angus Seed and
		it was decided to do nothing meantime.

Walter Richards This application for financial assistance was
		read but it was resolved that we could do nothing
		in the matter.

		Mr. MacAndrew's letter re a match with the