for the Semi-final tie of the Liverpool & District Wednesday
Amateur Cup was granted.
The Secretary submitted several letters relating to full
backs but it was decided to do nothing.
Bagnall The Secretary reported that Sheffield United required
£250 for this player, that he had inquired from
Weller, who knew the player's abilities, but Weller did
not speak favourably of him - no action.
The Secretary reported that Stewart the right back of
Broxburn United was very highly spoken of and it
was resolved that John Fare see him play on Saturday
next and report to the next meeting.
The Secretary read an application from Walter Richards
an old Everton player applying for financial assistance
and the consideration thereof was deferred until the
next meeting as was a letter from Mr. W. MacAndrew
inquiring if we would send a team to Glasgow at the
end of the season to play the Rangers a match for the
benefit of their Trainer James Wilson.
Feb. 10th 1914 W. R. Clayton