251 Brown The trial period of this player having expired it was decided not to offer him a re-engagement. The Secretary reported on the play of the team at Highbury on Saturday last and that the gross gate receipts amounted to £239.14.0 and that our share thereof would be £119.17.0. The Central League game was reported. The Trainer made his report. Team Fern v Thompson Maconnachie Middlesbro. Wareing Fleetwood Makepeace Houston Jefferis Parker Clennell Harrison Reserve: - Bradshaw. The Secretary reported the receipt of a letter from the Secretary of the Willenhall F. C. strongly recommending their right half back Keeling - that he had mentioned the matter to the Chairman and that a trial had been offered him here against Rochdale on Saturday next. The action of the Chairman and Secretary was confirmed. Team v Mitchell Rochdale Stevenson Weller Keeling Grenyer Roy Beare Brannick Page Wright Palmer Directors to Middlesbro. Messrs. Green & Wright. Director on the Gate Mr. Kelly Everton v L'pool The Secretary reported that on the 21st inst. our League Central League