248 Directors to Woolwich Messrs. Clayton & Allman. Resolved that the team travel by the 9:45 train on Saturday morning and return at 12 noon Sunday. Director on Gate Mr. Kelly. Resolved that all the players be invited to take Dinner with the Directors at 5:30 on Thursday evening at the Bee Hotel and afterwards at the Empire Theatre, first house, and that the opportunity be taken of addressing a few words to the teams. The Secretary was instructed to see Palmer and to inform him that unless he demonstrated a greater interest in the work for which he was engaged, the Directors would have no alternative but to put into operation clause 5 of the agreement entered into with him. Mr. Kirkwood reported that the sum of 20/- was due from the Club to Mr. Wallace in connection with Wright's engagement and the Secretary was instructed to obtain details. Robertson the centre half back of Harrowby was favourably reported and Mr. Green was instructed to see him play and report to the Directors. Neill the outside right of Ormskirk was also favourably reported and Mr. Kelly was instructed to see him play and report to the Directors. The Secretary was instructed to invite offers for