
		The Secretary reported having mentioned Beare to the
		Burnley Secretary but that he had received no
		communication from that Club hereon.

Ilkeston Players John Fare reported his visit to South Normanton
Clarke		and that in his opinion Clarke was not worthy of
		any consideration - no action.

Peters		The Secretary reported that whilst Lichfield F. C.
		were willing that Peters should play a trial here
		for us, Peters declined to come on the grounds that
		it would deprive him of his situation.

Continental	The consideration of this matter was deferred pending
Tour		the receipt of further particulars.

		The Trainer made his report.

		The League and Central League games were

Liverpool v.	It was resolved that as many Directors as could make
Gillingham	it convenient should visit this match and report
		upon the Gillingham players.

Team v				  Fern
Woolwich Arsenal	Thompson	Maconnachie
		Challinor	Fleetwood	Grenyer
		Houston	Jefferis  Parker  Clennell  Harrison

Team v.				 Mitchell
Huddersfield		Stevenson	Weller
Town		Simpson		Wareing		Roy
		Brown	Brannick  Wright  Bradshaw  Beare