[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park,
January 21st 1914.]
Present All the Directors except Mr. Allman.
Minutes The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and
The Revd. W. J. Adams and Mr. A. Melly attended as a
deputation in support of an application for the use of
Goodison Park on June 27th for the purposes of a
Rally and Display by Boy Scouts of Liverpool and
District. After consideration it was resolved that
same be granted on the condition that the programme
of events proposed to be given be submitted to and
approved by the Directors. The deputation thanked
the Board for their generous treatment and promised
that every precaution would be taken to reduce the
possibility of damage to the ground to a minimum.
Reports The League and Central League games of Saturday
were reported.
The injury to Harris at the International match at
Wrexham on Monday last was also reported.
The Trainer made his report.
Dr. Baxter reported on the injured players.
Chedgzoy Resolved that a donation of Five guineas be sent to
the Treasurer of the Bolton Infirmary and that Mr. John
Howcroft's account of 8/6 for eggs supplied to Chedgzoy
during his detention at the Infirmary be paid.