233 [Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel January 9th 1914] Present All the Directors except Mr. Allman. Mr. Kelly, having come down from Blackpool, reported on the players staying at Blackpool, that Houston, Tom Page and Nuttall were unfit to play and that they along with Sam Chedgzoy had returned home this afternoon. In the event of a draw at Glossop it was decided that the players return to Blackpool after the match. The team was then selected to play Glossop at Glossop in the first round of the English Cup as follows:- Team v Fern Glossop Thompson Maconnachie 1st Round Harris Fleetwood Makepeace English Cup Beare Jefferis Parker Bradshaw Harrison Grenyer, Simpson and Wareing who were at Blackpool were to go with the team to Glossop. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Herbert Halsall in reply to the Secretary's letter of inquiry re Mrs. Williams the widow of our former player William Williams from which it appeared that Mrs. Williams was a woman of very intemperate habits. It was resolved that a donation of Ten pounds be sent to Mr. Cleavey to be held by him in trust for the children of Mr. & Mrs. Williams. Walter Holbem The Assistant Secretary read a letter from Preston North End F.C. thanking us for the free Central