
		[Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel
		January 2nd 1914]

Present		All the Directors except Mr. Allman.

		The League and Central League games of New Year's
		Day were reported.

Team v				Fern
Newcastle		Thompson	Maconnachie
United		  Harris	Fleetwood	Wareing
		 Houston Jefferis Parker Grenyer Harrison
		Reserve:- Simpson.

Team v				Mitchell
Burry Reserve		Stevenson	Weller
		    Bradshaw	Challinor	Roy
		 Beare Brannick Wright Kirby Palmer
		Reserve - J. Page.

Director to Bury - Mr. Green.

		It was resolved that Simpson be included in
		the list of players to go to Blackpool.

		The Secretary reported the receipt of a circular
		letter from the Secretaries of the Drummond Fund
		and after consideration it was decided that
		the previous resolution not to subscribe to this
		fund be rescinded and that a donation of
		Two guineas be granted.

		The Secretary read a letter of thanks from the
		Director of Education for the use of our ground on