228 Directors to Oldham Messrs Clayton, Green & Kirkwood. Directors on Gate Mr. Kelly. Special Resolved that the following players go to Blackpool Training on Saturday next after the match and remain there in readiness for the Cup Tie at Glossop:- Beare, Fern, Fleetwood, Grenyer, Harris, Harrison, Houston, Jefferis, Maconnachie, Makepeace, Nuttall, Page J., Parker, Thompson and Wareing. Mr. Kelly and the Secretary in charge. Lance Johnston The Secretary reported that whilst playing against Manchester United at Old Trafford on Christmas Day, Lance Johnston sustained a compound fracture of the right leg and that he was detained in the Royal Infirmary, Manchester. Resolved that until further notice Johnston's salary be increased by 10/- per week. Bennett This player having completed his engagement of one month on trial it was resolved that his services be dispensed with and that he have a free transfer. Next meeting Friday 2:30 at the Bradford Hotel. Harrison & Harrison the outside right of Chorley and Robinson Robinson the outside right of Redcar were both favourably reported upon. The Secretary was instructed to arrange for these players to be viewed at the first opportunity. Use of Ground The Secretary read a letter from Mr. J. G. Legge