
		matches and he was instructed to ask them for
		their best terms.

Roy		The payment of £60 the transfer fee herein was

Browell		The Secretary reported that Manchester City had
		forwarded cheque for £1400 the transfer fee of
		T. Browell.

		John Fare reported that R. Brockbank the right
		full back of Ulverston Low Mill played very fairly
		on Saturday and recommended his further
		consideration. The Secretary reported that he
		was in communication with the Club.

Best		Sunderland replied that they were not prepared
		to transfer Best.

		The Secretary reported that Mr. H. S. Hamer, the
		Secretary of the Bury Football Club, died on Sunday
		last and was to be buried tomorrow and that he
		had sent a wreath on behalf of the Club. The
		Secretary's action was confirmed and he was
		instructed to represent the club at the funeral.

Blair		The Secretary reported that Clyde F.C. required £2000
		for Blair - no action.

		John Fare's engagement to the end of the season was

Decr. 20th 1913						W. R. Clayton