222 E. J. Locke fund. The usual Christmas boxes amounting to £26.1.0 were granted. Holbem The Secretary's action in granting Preston North End the Central League transfer of Walter Holbem at a fee of £25 was confirmed. The Chairman referred to the remarks of Mr. William Williams at a meeting of the Shareholders of the Liverpool Football Club from which it would appear that our Club stood in the way of the transfer of our player Joseph Smith to them. The Secretary was instructed to see Mr. Watson thereon. The payment of £11.3.3 to the Endsleigh Palace Hotel for accommodation on the occasion of our visit to Tottenham Hotspur was passed. Buckley The Secretary reported that Buckley the centre half back of Derby County was expected to sever his connection with that Club and the Secretary was instructed to pursue the matter. The Secretary was instructed to send John Fare to Stoke to see the Aberdare inside right, Woodward, play and also to see Harrison the inside right of Doncaster Rovers play and report. The Secretary read an invitation letter from the Athletic Club of Bilbao respecting a proposed tour at the end of May and beginning of June for four