
		[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison
		Park Decr. 9th 1913]

Present		All the Directors.

Minutes		The minutes of the meetings of Decr. 3 and
		5th were read & confirmed.

Fern		The engagement of Thomas E. Fern at £4
		per week with a Bonus of £10 and a fee
		of £1500 to Lincoln City was confirmed.

Bennett		The engagement of J. S. Bennett on a months
		trial at 30/- per week with an engagement
		at £3 per week if he prove satisfactory
		was confirmed.

Roy		The engagement of James Roy at £3 per
		week with a Bonus of £10 and a fee
		of £60 to Broxburn to be increased to
		£85 if Roy is engaged by us for next
		season was confirmed.

Jos. Smith	The transfer of Joseph E. Smith to Bury
		at a fee of £300 was confirmed.

		Jno. Fare reported that the Eccles Boro.
		left back was quite unsuited to League
		That the inside right whilst very clever
		was too small.
		That Walker their half back tho' not
		playing was well spoken of.