
		[Emergency meeting of Directors held at the
		Bradford Hotel, November 27th 1913.]

Present			W. R. Clayton Esq. (Chair)
			Messrs.	Coffey

Fern		The Chairman reported that Lincoln City had
		replied to his inquiry suggesting £2000 as
		the transfer fee and the consideration thereof
		was deferred and a further meeting called
		for tomorrow to receive Manchester City's reply
		re their Goalkeeper, Goodchild, and from
		Oldham Athletic re their Goalkeeper, Taylor,
		at this juncture, the Secretary arrived from
		Scotland and reported that he had effected
		an engagement of Robert Parker at £4 per
		week with a bonus of £10 at a transfer fee to
		Glasgow Rangers of £1500 and that he had
		transferred Fulton to Glasgow Rangers at a fee
		of £700.
  Decr. 3rd 1913			W. R. Clayton