196 likely to suit us. Transfer of Alfred Slater to James Pilkington Shares 3 15/- shares 1705/7 Passed. The Secretary reported that Val Harris had been selected to play in the Harris benefit match on December 10th at Nottingham, consent was readily given. The Secretary read a letter from Sholing Athletic charging our Representative Frank Jefferis with approaching two members of their team and that he had written denying the allegation. An application by Mr. J. A. Sharpley for permission to take up a collection at our match on Saturday next at Goodison Park to assist the Dublin distress fund was declined. The Secretary reported that a season ticket holder having left his double season ticket at home had paid 4/- at the cash turnstile by mistake, his application for a refund of this sum was granted. The Secretary reported the receipt of several letters recommending junior players but it was felt that at present our inquiries should be confined to first class players and these recommendations were consequently held over. The Secretary reported an inquiry from Bury F.C. for J. Smith.