		Saturday last.

		An application by the Repertory Theatre for
		a sandwichman to parade our enclosure
		was declined.

F. A. Cup	The Secretary read a letter from the F.A.
Final 1914	desiring to know whether we were prepared
		to make any proposal with regard to our
		ground for the final tie for the consideration
		of the Council and it was decided to suggest
		that if the allocation could be guaranteed to
		our ground for a period of say seven years we
		would be disposed to make the necessary
		alterations to our enclosure to increase the
		holding capacity to 100,000 people.

		The Secretary was instructed to send a letter
		of thanks to the medical Officer of the
		Blackburn Rovers Club for the valuable
		assistance rendered to our player Thompson
		on Saturday last.

		The Secretary reported that Middlesbrough F.C.
		were making an inquiry for Bradshaw and
		he was instructed to say that we would be
		prepared to accept £1500 for his transfer.

		The Secretary was instructed to inquire from
		Millwall re their centre forward Davies.

		It was reported that South Liverpool F.C. had
		requested that Goodison Park be selected for the
 Dec 10.	final tie of the Liverpool County Cup.
Nov. 19th 1913					W. R. Clayton