190 be obtained for about £300. It was resolved that Cooke be sent to Haslingden on Saturday next to report on his play. An application by the Birkdale Shop assistants for a match at Goodison Park was declined. An application by the Liverpool Schools F.A. for permission to play their Tie in the second round of the English Schools Shield at Goodison Park on the 29th inst was granted on similar terms to that of last year, namely, that the match take place prior to our Central League match with Stockport County, that the one price of admission admit to both matches and that the receipts after the payment thereout of all expenses incidental to the two matches be divided between the Liverpool Schools F.A. and ourselves in equal proportions. Liverpool F.C. having written asking whether we would be prepared to transfer one of our outside rights, it was resolved that they be invited to make an offer for Joseph Smith. The Secretary reported the receipt of particulars from Wm. McArthur of seven journeys he had made on our instructions and that he had given to him £1 on account of his expenses on Saturday last. It was resolved that he be paid a further Three guineas. The Secretary was also instructed to send 9/- to A. Dominion in payment of his expenses of