189 The Secretary was instructed to place on the Agenda for the next meeting the appointment of a coach and the date for the Harris - Makepeace benefit match. Insurance of The Secretary reported that the buildings and Buildings &c erections at Goodison Park were insured against fire with the Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Co. in the sum of £20,000 apportioned as follows:- Stand and Hoardings on the North side £ 300 New Stand, Groundsman's Stores and Hoardings on the South side 5000 Stand, Dressing Rooms, Bath Rooms, Turnstiles and Hoardings on the East side 3500 New Stand, Dressing Rooms, Bath Rooms, Turnstiles and Hoardings on the West side. 11200 ------- £20,000 ------- It was resolved that this amount be increased to £25,000, the increase to be apportioned as follows:- New Stand, Groundsman's Stores and Hoardings on the South side £1000 Stand, Dressing Rooms, Bath Rooms, Turnstiles and Hoardings on the East side £1000 New Stand, Dressing Rooms, Bath Rooms, Turnstiles & Hoardings on the West side. £3000 ------- £5,000 ------- The Secretary reported that Robertson the centre forward of Barrow was highly spoken of and that from inquiries he was of opinion that he could