179 see Mr. Jeans and point out the mischief likely to accrue amongst our players through the publication of those inaccurate statements. Vincent The Secretary and John Fare reported their visit to Blyth and recommended that this lad be seen play again. John Fare was deputed to see him play on Saturday next and report. Shields The further consideration of this Choppington player was deferred meantime. The League and Central League games were reported. The Trainer made his report. Team v Liverpool Hodge Semi-final Page Stalker Liverpool Senior Challinor Fleetwood Grenyer Cup Beare Jefferis Browell Wright Palmer If Challinor unable to play, Bradshaw to play right half back, if Wright unable to play Grenyer to play inside left and Kirby left half back. Team v Thompson Maconnachie Bradford City Harris Wareing Makepeace Houston Nuttall Page Johnston Harrison The Goalkeeper to be selected after the Cup Tie at Anfield. Team v Turner Bradford City Stevenson Stalker Reserve Challinor Fleetwood Grenyer