178 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, October 28th 1913.] Present All the Directors except Messrs Allman & Baxter. Dr Baxter's absence was occasioned through his having to attend a meeting of the medical Council and that of Mr. Allman owing to the illness of his son. The Secretary was instructed to express the sympathy of the Board with Mr. Allman in his domestic trouble. Minutes The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Chairman referred to a paragraph which appeared in yesterday's "Echo" stating that overtures had been made by us to Liverpool for the exchange of two of our players for their Goalkeeper, Campbell, that he had taken immediate steps to deny the accuracy of the report and had requested the attendance at this meeting of those of our players who were named in such paragraph. The players having entered the Boardroom the Chairman assured them that the paragraph was a mass of false statements, that no negotiations had been entered into with the Liverpool Club whatever and that the Directors had every confidence in them and in their abilities. Frank Bradshaw on behalf of the players thanked the Chairman and the Directors for his remarks and the players thereupon withdrew. The matter was further considered by the Board and the Chairman and Secretary were deputed to