171 if Fleetwood be unfit Browell to play inside right and Johnston inside left v Crewe Alex Hodge Page Stalker Challinor Kirby Weller Chedgzoy Brannick Nuttall Wright Palmer Reserve to Sheffield Beare. Director on Gate Mr. Green to Sheffield Messrs Clayton & Allman Strettle The Management Committee of the League having consented it was resolved to send Strettle £10 in respect of percentage. McLean Sheffield Wednesday intimated their refusal to transfer McLean as did Bowie Glasgow Rangers Bowie. The Secretary was instructed to obtain two sets of Boards on which to publish any alterations in teams. Transfer of J. E. Jones to Richard Jones Shares 3 shares 15/- 834 to 836 Wm. S. Hadley to Thos J. Collings 3 shares 15/- 1666 to 1668 Passed The questions of ventilating the Players Billiard room was ordered for consideration at the next meeting. Octr. 15th 1913 W. R. Clayton