166 The Secretary reported that on Monday last he was unable to make an appointment with the Auditors to meet the Chairman and himself to discuss the question of interference with the Auditors in the performance of their duties at the Annual Meeting by Mr. E. Francis. Mr. Clayton reported that he had called upon the Auditor on Monday afternoon, had reported the circumstances to him and that the Auditor had promised to look up the documents and make an appointment. That the Auditor had communicated with the Chairman yesterday and had been invited to attend this meeting to go into the matter. Mr. Herbert Bowler, Mr. Crouch, one of his assistants, and Mr. Francis attended the meeting. Mr. Bowler stated that no report had been made of any interference on the part of any Shareholder. Mr. Crouch reported that having crossed a wrong number off on the sheet he drew the attention of Mr. Francis, who was standing near, to such error and that Mr. Francis on his invitation had initialled the error and that with this exception he had experienced no interference in the performance of his duties. Mr. Francis also denied having marked the sheet except as he was requested to do so by Mr. Crouch. Octr. 1st 1913 W. R. Clayton