165 See Tour The Secretary read a letter from Bury F.C. asking Watson for financial assistance and the consideration thereof was deferred till next meeting, the Secretary to communicate with Mr. McKenna meantime. The Secretary reported that a movement was on foot to make a testimonial to Mr. T. E. Harris the late Secretary of Notts County F.C. and that the Liverpool Club had subscribed Ten guineas thereto and this matter was also deferred till the next meeting. St. Helens Town our opponents in the next round of the Lancashire Cup wrote requesting us to play them at St. Helens on Thursday October 2nd instead of Monday October 6th. It was resolved to reply that we would accept them here on Wednesday October 1st otherwise the tie must be played at St. Helens on the date fixed by the Association. The Secretary was instructed to give A. Moorcroft a trial in our team against Holywell United. Alec Brady The Secretary reported that the collection on Saturday last organised by Mr. Kirkwood realized £7.1.1 and a cheque for this amount was ordered to be sent to Mr. William Johnston who was acting on Alec Brady's behalf. An application by John H. MacBann the blind concertina player for free admission for himself and wife on match days was granted. Transfer of F. H. Harris to William S. Hadley Shares 5 partly paid shares 1664 to 1668 Passed