
		and the Secretary was instructed to report the
		matter to the League in the terms of the draft
		prepared by him.

Team v				Mitchell
Aston Villa		Stevenson	Maconnachie
		    Harris	Wareing		Makepeace
		Houston Jefferis Fleetwood Browell Harrison

		Reserve Grenyer.

Team v				Hodge
Barnsley		Thompson	Fulton
		   Challinor	Weller	   Kirby
		Chedgzoy Nuttall Page Johnston Bradshaw

Director on Gate	Mr. Green.
Director to Birmingham	Mr. Clayton.

Mills		John Fare reported his visit to Birmingham v
		Leicester Fosse, that Mills inside right was not
		playing owing to injury but that he was not more
		than 5 ft 6¼ ins in height, that the best forward on
		the Fosse side was Benfield who appeared to be about
		25 years of age, sturdy, but on the slow side. That
		acting on the Secretary's instructions he visited West
Paillor		Bromwich to make inquiries re Pailor and stated
		that West Bromwich would not under any consideration
		transfer him to any Club Whatever.

Kelly		Mr. Kirkwood reported the visit of himself and John Fare
		to St. Helens on Monday with the object of watching
		Kelly the inside left of St. Helens Town and both he
		and Mr. Fare were of opinion that Kelly whilst being