160 Proxies The Secretary was instructed to ascertain the cost of printing and stamping proxies and to obtain a 4.7.9 proportion of the cost from each Director. The Secretary submitted an offer by the St. Edwards School for a demonstration of physical drill prior to the match on Saturday next but it was considered inexpedient at present but that such offer might be favourably considered on a future occasion. The Secretary was instructed to engage a Band for Saturday. Cunningham It being stated that Kilmarnock might be disposed to transfer their inside forward Andrew Cunningham, the Secretary was instructed to communicate with the Club and if necessary visit Kilmarnock. Mr. Kirkwood having recently reported that the Auditors had at the recent General Meeting utilised assistance otherwise than from their own staff and that in fact a Shareholder, Mr. E. Francis, had marked off his entrance to the meeting on the sheet, a practice to which he strongly objected the Chairman stated that he had mentioned the matter to Mr. Francis who strongly denied having done what was alleged, and that he the Chairman had requested Mr. Francis to attend this meeting to tender his denial personally. Mr. Francis thereupon entered the Boardroom and Mr. Kirkwood having repeated his allegation, the same was denied by Mr. Francis