158 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park September 17th 1913.] Present All the Directors. Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Reports The Chairman reported the conference between the deputations from our Club and Liverpool and that (1) it was agreed between the Clubs that an understanding should be arrived at as to the letting of the respective football grounds for various matches with the object of considerably curtailing the privilege and (2) it was felt that the use of the ground should be restricted to semi final and final ties of recognised local cup and charity competitions and to school boy matches. On the question of advertising matches the mode of doing so by (a) posters (b) a front page daily advertisement and (c) the transference of the present advertisement from the foot to the centre of the football notes columns and as the Liverpool Football Club evinced a preference for the last mode it was resolved that if same could be obtained at the same rate now paid that form of advertisement be adopted. After discussion it was accordingly resolved that a deputation from our Club meet that from Liverpool on Monday next at the Bradford Hotel at 4:30 pm. with full powers to enter into an agreement on the lines indicated above.