153 Gault An extension of time for payment of £25 on a/c of Gault's transfer fee was granted to Stockport County until the 15th inst. A letter was received suggesting the name of Goodison Place be altered to King's Gate to commemorate the Royal Visit. Permission to post a number of posters on millboard's close to our entrances announ- cing the Educational classes was applied for and granted to the Liverpool Education Committee from date to the end of the first week in October. Season The Secretary reported that in the case of Tickets certain stands the supply of season tickets was exhausted or nearly so & he was instructed to obtain a further supply if necessary. An application for the use of our ground for a match in aid of a paralysed Railway employee was referred to the Committee. A/cs The Secretary was instructed to pay the Royal Insurance Co. the premium 35/- to cover insurance under the Employers Liability. And to grant H. Barker a donation of One guinea for his assistance during the sale of Season tickets last season & a similar amount for his services this season.