		in consideration of his devoting his whole
		time to football: refusing the Directors
		offer of £2 per week he preferred to continue
		on his present terms of 30/- per week with
		permission to work and train here during

Director to Preston The Secretary was instructed to ask Mr.
		Kelly to meet the team at Preston on Sept. 6.

		The Secretary was instructed to write to
		Dr. Whitford requesting that those of his
		shares placed by him in the names of
		employees of the club be transferred.

		The Secretary was instructed to enquire
		from Blackburn Rovers re. an inside left.

Transfers of	R. Richmond	to	Rowlands Harper Jns.
Shares				3 shares 2082/4
			do	to 	C. R. Harper
				1 share 2085
		T. H. R. Forrest	to	Thos. D. Harper
				3 shares 581/3
		Wm. Harrop	to	Ernest B. Harrop
				3 Shares 2474/6
		Harry Leech	to	Chas. E. Mossop
				3 shares 2135/7
		Ac/t Jas. Branwood to	Wm. Morris
				3 shares 741/3

Practice games	The Secretary reported that the gross receipts
receipts	of the two public practice games were