144 Mutual Insurance Federation at 20/- per head. The Secretary was instructed to send a team on September 6th to Southport Park Villa for expenses. Didcot The Secretary was instructed to express regret at our inability to offer Didcot, Frank, a trial. Agenda for next meeting John Fare's engagement Billiard room as Ladies tea room. Players Mr. Kirkwood recommended the centreforward & inside left of St. Ives F.C. Transfer of James E. Haynes to Edward. I. Hudson shares 3 part paid shares 194 to 196 Geo. Hope to Fred'k T. Carr 3 part pd shared 431 to 433 Hugh M. Peace to Jno. Geo. Pate 3 part pd shares 1446 to 1448 Agnes A. Dudley to Jno. C. Bruce 3 part pd shares 1642 to 1644 Thomas Johnson to Wm. Glass 3 part pd shares 633 to 635 John Comus to John Howson 3 part pd shares 1469 to 1471 John Comus to George Owen 2 part pd shares 1215 and 1216 Passed. Pinkney The Secretary reported the receipt of £25 from Gillingham the fee for Pinkney. Strettle Cheque for £25 and a Bill for £25 dated Jany. 1