143 7/6 Confd. per week he to be allowed to follow his work. F.A. 50th Anniversary Resolved that we do not purchase Dinner any tickets for this function. Use of ground An application by the Lancashire Combination for the use of our ground one evening in September was declined as was an application by George Hutton for assistance. Stalker The payment to Wm. McArthur of £10 to cover his expenses re. Wm. Stacker was confirmed. Use of ground Messrs. Clayton, Kelly, Kirkwood & the Secretary were appointed to deal with all applications for the use of the ground and to confer with Liverpool F.C. as to the mode of dealing with same. Official Photographer Mr. Rd. Brown having applied for permission to photograph the team the Secretary was instructed to enquire what offer he was prepared to make. Insurance The Secretary submitted terms of proposal to insure the club against. a. Liability for injury to spectators b. Theft of takings by the Ocean Accident Corporation & he was instructed to enquire from the General Accident Insurance Corporation & report. do The Secretary was instructed to insure all our players & the Trainers with the Football