charge to £35, The mileage approximately to
be 161 miles: the dining arrangements to
be left to the Chairman & Secretary; that
the clerk and trainers be included in the
Royal visit The accepted tenders as follow :-
Hall & son Ltd. for
Platform 149.15.0
Removing & restoring
gates 8.15. 158.10.0
Fred Wilkins & Bro.
Tea Room 52.13.6
Stands & 63.15.0
Pavilion 49. 3.6 165.12.0
324. 2.0
were considered and Mr Leitch stated that
these prices would be modified in view of the
amended measurements.
The Secretary was instructed to have permits
printed & one sent to each director.
Also to arrange for a photographer to take
pictures of the incidents at Goodison Park
on Friday also a photo of the Directors & for
a set to be printed for the Directors & for the
Board room.
The granting of the Refreshment contract to
E. Francis at £35 for 700 with 1/- per head for
all in excess of that number was confirmed
as was the privilege granted to Weisker Bros. to take
Cinematograph pictures in consideration of a
donation of Five guineas.