129 Vacancy on Directorate Mr. Davies proposed Mr. Coffey seconded That Mr. Horace Wright be co-opted to the directorate in the place of Dr. Whitford resigned. Mr. Kirkwood proposed Dr. Baxter seconded That Mr. A. R. Wade be co-opted. On being put to the vote. The Chairman declared Mr. Horace Wright duly elected. The consideration of a proposal by Mr. Kirkwood to accord a vote of thanks to Mr. Wade for his services was deferred pending an enquiry if there was a precedent for same. Resolved that the players picnic be held on Thursday August 7 at Bettws-y-coed the party to comprise the Directors, Players & Secretary. The Chairman & Secretary to arrange. Royal Visit It being pointed out that the shareholders of the Company were 762 in number whereas the Lord Mayor had issued 700 invitations only to Goodison Park on the 11th July Mr. Davies Proposed. Mr. Green Seconded and it was resolved. That no invitation be issued to any Shareholder holding one share only and that any excess tickets be distributed amongst the Directors.