127 [Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel June 27th 1913] Present W. R. Clayton Esq. Chair Messes Baxter Coffey Davies Green Kirkwood Minutes The Minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed. Stalker The engagement of Wm. Stalker at 25/- per week to August 31 and £3 per week from Septr. 1 to April 30. Weller Also of L. C. Weller at £4 per week with a fee to Chesterfield of £275 and a bonus of £10 if permitted by the League. Thos. Page Also of Thos. Page at £2 per week. Simms Also of the transfer of S. Simms to Swindon at a fee of £40. Caldwell Also of the transfer of J. Caldwell to Woolwich at a fee of £200. Gault Also of Gault to Stockpool County at £100. Davidson Also of Wm. Davidson to St. Mirren at £225. Allen Also of Jno. Allen to Rochdale at £30.